Her exact word where, "My name is Sarah Jones and I own 'Meals on Wheels'. We deliver pre-made well balanced meals to a wide range of customers, including brand new moms, senior citizens and people who work at home, all having one thing in common: not enough time to go to the store, get fresh ingredients, cook and eat well every day.
We're pretty well established and have many customers. Our program normally include breakfast, lunch and dinner. They are delivered fresh and each meal is labeled with complete nutritional information.

After many requests, we decided to include two diet menus on our list: a healthy and balanced menu that fit a long term weight loss program and a one week quick weight loss menu. We asked 3 different nutritionists to develop diet menus for us and decided to hire you, a consulting company, to evaluate the menus and help us decide which ones fit what we're looking for. Be aware that you not only have to help us decide which menus to use, you also have to explain to our directors' board the reasons behind your choices. They'll probably ask questions so be prepared to answer them.
We want to add this new menu to our list as soon as possible so you have these four days to meet and study them well. The presentations will be on Monday."
So in my group there was me; which I researched some more in nutrients and how many proportions of each do we need in out daily diets. Karina; our leader that made sure that everyone did their jobs. Georgia; that was in charge of helping in extras in research. Then we have Rafael; he was in charge of getting everyones information and put it together in a Power Point, which he made a good job in. My job was to later make a poster about my research, as shown in the picture below. As well as the menus are added in the left side of the picture in the poster.

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