We have learned that there is a cell theory which is divided into 3 points:
1. All living things are composed of living cells
2. All living cells arise from pre-existing cells
3.Cells are produced from another living cell
So when talking about Prokaryotic cells there are different things that can describe a Prokaryotic cell. First of all Prokaryotic cells are unicellular cells. Second of all there are known for being simpler cells. By simpler I mean it has no organelles, like the nucleus, or chloroplast lysosomes etc. An example of a Prokaryotic cell is a bacteria. Prokaryotic cells have a flagellum, which helps them move, some pillies that also help them move. Also the Prokaryotic cells have a cell membrane, cell wall, and a capslue for protection.

Eukaryotic cells are more complecated then that. It splits into two sections, animal cells, and plant cells.
Animal cells: They are quit different then the plant cells. Plant cells have Chloroplasts, and they as well have a cell wall that is also another fount of protection. Animal cells have a tendency of being seen round or in some other structure that is close to a circle. All the organelles included in Animal Cells are; mitochondria ( the organelle that gives the cell energy), Lysosomes ( the organelle that digests the cells waste), nucleus (the head of the cell), Ribosomes ( produces protein), Golgi apparatus ( does the packing for the cell to prepare anything to send it out of the cell), Endoplasmic Reticulum (sends anything around the cell), Vacuole (were stuff of the cell is stored),

Plant cells: They are very much like the animal cell, only that it has more of a rectangular figure, or an oval figure. The plant cell has all the same organelles except it rarely has the Golgi Apparatus, and plant cells have a cell wall, and Chloroplasts. Chloroplasts tern photosynthesis into "food" for the cell.

Animal cells: They are quit different then the plant cells. Plant cells have Chloroplasts, and they as well have a cell wall that is also another fount of protection. Animal cells have a tendency of being seen round or in some other structure that is close to a circle. All the organelles included in Animal Cells are; mitochondria ( the organelle that gives the cell energy), Lysosomes ( the organelle that digests the cells waste), nucleus (the head of the cell), Ribosomes ( produces protein), Golgi apparatus ( does the packing for the cell to prepare anything to send it out of the cell), Endoplasmic Reticulum (sends anything around the cell), Vacuole (were stuff of the cell is stored),

Plant cells: They are very much like the animal cell, only that it has more of a rectangular figure, or an oval figure. The plant cell has all the same organelles except it rarely has the Golgi Apparatus, and plant cells have a cell wall, and Chloroplasts. Chloroplasts tern photosynthesis into "food" for the cell.

If I were to choose which cell type to be I would like to be a Eukaryotic animal cell, simply because i have them in me, and I wouldn't want to really be something much different.
Plus check this awesome video of fungus growing from an ant! Turning them into Ant Zombies! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XuKjBIBBAL8&feature=player_embedded
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